Saturday, September 22, 2012

1.3 - A Magical Night

While Lucas slept, Haley was gifted with a special makeover to be ready for her date later that night.  A few clips and cuts on the hair and a little touch of highlights was all that she needed to be ready for Lucas.

Lucas, on the other hand, knew that with relationships came the need for money.  He took another gamble at the casino hoping that he could make enough money to buy a new set of clothes and take his girl to the nicest restaurant in town.

JACKPOT!  Luck really was on his side as he landed a $5000 haul.  He knew that money would go fast but at least this evening he could splurge without concern.  He also wondered if it would always be this easy to make some money!

For a brief moment, a flash of remembrance came rushing back to Lucas.  A sense of eerie deja vu seemed to engulf him as he found himself feeling an all too familiar presence.  But just as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone.

Early evening came and Lucas couldn't wait to embrace Haley once again.  She gazed longingly into his eyes and it seemed that the entire night just froze in time.  What hesitation the two had felt earlier in the day was completely obliterated by the gentle embrace.

Not quite ready for dinner, Lucas watched the stars with Haley.  The cold and hard surface of the parking lot didn't deter the two from sharing several intimate moments alone.

Lucas couldn't take his eyes off of Haley as they headed for dinner.  There was something about this woman that seemed to put a spell on him - he felt as though he could not tear himself away from her even if he tried.  Could this strange young woman from the cemetery have cast a spell on his heart?

After dinner, the two ventured to the local fishing center next to the Falls.   The gentle rush of the water as it fell into the lake set Lucas' romantic side into full gear.  He once again made his solemn promise to protect  her from any danger.

Haley hoped that the danger he would protect her from would be from heartache.  She couldn't resist this man - his hypnotic gaze and charisma had taken control of her every thought.  She embraced Lucas and kissed him one last time before disappearing into the soft moonlight.

Lucas stood, transfixed and full of joy as he watched Haley head back to her waiting taxi.  He wondered if this was really too good to be true.  Quickly, he banished those thoughts and decided that he really couldn't allow any more sorrow or pain to rob him of anything more in life.  

Not quite ready to return home, Lucas skipped stones on the water and wondered where things were going to go next.  He truly believed that Moonlight Falls was a magical place after all.  He had no idea exactly how magical...

A gentle brush startled Lucas and he found himself face to face with the most magnificent creature he had ever seen.  There in front of him stood the majestic unicorn.  Such an elusive creature and he could almost reach out and caress it's strong body.

Lucas stood and stared in wonder as the creature examined it's surroundings. He dared not to speak as he did not want to frighten the animal.  If only he knew a way to take a picture.  He so desperately wished that Haley had remained and could see this vision with him.

The unicorn, growing more comfortable, became curious of Lucas and approached him cautiously.  In Moonlight Falls, the unicorn could sense that there were many curious beings to be found.  This one, he felt, could be trusted and so he studied him a bit more carefully.

Lucas extended his hand and offered a small amount of the leftover dinner to the unicorn.  To his surprise and delight, the animal accepted and showed his affection for Lucas by allowing him to gently stroke his mane.  And then, in a flash, the unicorn left.

Nearing exhaustion, Lucas couldn't help but smile at the amazing day that he had just experienced.  Within 24 hours, his life had gone from one of no direction to one of infinite possibilities.  That was the magic that he discovered - that life can shower you with what you want when you least expect it.

That night, the dreams were many and wondrous.  The one constant theme in them all was this mysterious woman with black hair that appeared out of nowhere in a graveyard.  It seemed ironic that a black unicorn appeared quite the same way only 24 hours later.  

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