Sunday, September 23, 2012

1.6 - Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

Haley woke up feeling as refreshed as possible.  While Lucas slept, she rocked quietly enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasted.

Nervous about the upcoming birth, the parents-to-be took some time to research a bit at the local library. 

 It sure does sound like it's easy enough...

Satisfied that they were both ready for a baby, the two wrapped up their reading and decided to explore other areas of the library.

Most libraries would frown upon the activities that took place in this part of the library!  But no one seemed to notice - or, at least, not to care!

Before returning home, Haley remembered a party that they were invited to.  The decided to make a quick appearance and head home for a good night's sleep...except for one tiny problem...

Poor Haley had barely climbed into bed before the labor pains kicked in.  Lucas, oblivious to the agony his wife was experiencing, seemed to be able to rest comfortably until Haley's cries woke him.

Lucas rushed his wife to the hospital and hoped that their reading had prepared them for a new baby.  It didn't, but he had not realized this yet.

As Haley entered the hospital, Lucas couldn't contain his joy and happiness. He could not take his eyes off his wife as she began to deliver their first child.

Shane Knight was born almost instantly as they entered the hospital.  His father couldn't be prouder as he held his son for the first time.

Lucas could not believe the tiny bundle in his arms was his.  He was only recently contemplating his own future and now, in his arms, he held a child that he wanted to protect and guide through life.  He didn't have time to think about Shane's future for very long because...

...little Tyler Knight joined the family just a few moments later.  Haley beamed as she was handed her second child, a definite surprise to say the least.  Being a mother was a dream come true, but mother to twins was more than she had hoped.

Upon hearing the news, Pip and a few close family friends pitched in to help increase the size of the nursery to accommodate two healthy baby boys. 

Lucas and Haley were brought to tears at the sight of what their closest friends had done for them.  

Overwhelmed but exhilarated, the parents set about making sure that their sons had everything that they needed.  All seemed to be exactly as it should be.

Too excited to sleep, Lucas ventured outside under the full moon to do some late night gardening.  He was surprised and horrified at the sight of a zombie rising from the ground in his own yard.

Haley found other ways to occupy her restlessness inside, safe from the dangers of the night.  Lucas looked on in amazement at the natural talent his wife was putting to use.

In the late part of the morning, before the twins woke up, Lucas challenged Haley to a friendly game of darts.  If only he could keep his mind on the darts and not the scantily clad vision that his wife was providing!

Haley probably would have covered up had she known what was really on his mind!

Time passed and the twins began to grow up right in front of their very eyes.  No longer babies, the boys would now require much more attention as they started learning how the world works.

Tyler was the first to show signs of growth and in a flash of sparkles, he transformed into a cute and curious little toddler.

In a flash, no more blue blankets but also, no new hair as this part of his being had not actually begun to develop.  In time, but for now, this bald cutey just wants to play with his stuffed animal friend.

Moments later, it was Shane's turn.  Both parents were proud and a bit sad to see their little babies growing so fast.  But time was not slowing for these boys.

Shane transformed with the same jet black hair of his mommy.  But looking closer, it seemed to be that he had inherited quite a bit more of his daddy's looks.

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